Repairing our properties

  • Keeping our properties in a good state of repair and making them fit for the future is important to us.

We have contractors who help us to maintain our properties and we have long term plans for maintance and improvements.

How do I report a repair?

a collection of tools including hammer, screwdriver and screws If you have a routine repair, this should be reported to the scheme manager or care home manager at the earliest opportunity when they are on duty.

Emergency repairs during office hours should be reported to the scheme manager/care home manager, including the manager who may be covering your scheme if the usual manager is away.

If you can't contact the scheme manager please call the property team on 01323 875250 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) or contact the emergency call centre at other times. Please report only genuine emergency repairs through the emergency call centre as the cost of works treated as an emergency is generally higher than non-emergency works and these costs are passed onto residents through the service charge.

Your scheme or care home manager will then pass the repairs request to the property team. This team then assess the priority for the repair and allocate the job to the right contractor.  The contractor will then liaise direct with the Scheme Manager, care home adminstration team, or the resident to carry out the repair at a convenient time, within the timescales that have been set. 


Who is responsible for repairing my home?

plumber fixing pipes under the sinkGenerally we are responsible for maintaining the structure and exterior of your home, together with all communal areas.

Our responsibilities – as your landlord you can expect us to maintain the following, keeping them in good repair and proper working order:   

  • The structure and outside of the property, including the drains, gutters and outside pipes.
  • Heating and hot water if not provided by a communal facility.
  • Electrical installation within your home.
  • Major components, such as kitchens / bathrooms within your home.
  • Windows and doors, although subject to specific lease obligations.
  • Communal entrances, halls, stairways, floor coverings.
  • Pest control in communal areas.
  • Communal gardens, repairing site boundaries and shared fences.
  • Communal boilers and heating systems.
  • Communal lifts.
  • Fire equipment.

Your repair responsibilities - looking after your home takes two. We'll do our bit and we need you to take care of your home too. There are also things that are your responsibility to repair and these include:

  • Decorating your home and making good surface cracks.
  • Repairing or replacing electric plugs, fuses, light bulbs, and sink plugs.
  • Maintaining your own fittings and appliances. 
  • Plumbing in your own washing machine and having your cooker and other appliances installed. 
  • Fitting and maintaining TV aerials and where there is a communal aerial, you are responsible for internal sockets and connections.
  • Putting up curtain rails and adapting doors to fit carpets.
  • Fitting extra locks, catches or other safety devices and replacing lost keys.
  • Clearing blocked sinks, basin, bath or shower waste pipes.
  • Pest control inside your property.
  • Dealing with condensation matters within your home.

Sheltered housing for rent and Independent Living properties

We are generally responsbile for any fixtures and fittings that we have provided, including plumbing and heating. We are not responsible for repairing and maintaining your white goods and ovens.

Leasehold properties

Your lease sets out the exact responsibilities for repairs and maintenance. Whilst we are responsible for arranging for the repairs to be carried out, the cost of the works is charged to either the service charge (for day-to-day repairs) or the sinking fund. 

Who will fix my repair?

Man with hands on hips wearing a tool belt full of tools We have contracts agreed with a number of different companys who specialise in property repairs and maintenance. Employees from these companies will visit your home to fix your repair.

PDSN Properties - for general building services and plumbing.

TSS Facilities Ltd. - for heating and water services.

Corin Dudley Electrical Services - for electrical services.

Active Fire Management - for fire risk assessments.

Southern Alarm Systems Ltd - for fire alarms and safety equipment.

Southern County Lift Services - for lift maintenance and repairs.

Tunstall - for door entry and pull cord systems.





Can I make alterations to my home?

man facing a wall with a horizontal measuring tape on the wall You will need our permission to make alterations to your home for everything other than redecoration of your walls and ceilings. Please contact us if you are considering any alterations, either contact your scheme manager or use the contact us form on the website.

If your alteration is agreed by us, you will need to use qualified and competent trades people to carry out the alteration. 








How can I give feedback about a repair?

hands holding up letters spelling feedback Getting your feedback about our repairs service is important to us. There are a number of ways you can give feedback:

  • Complete a paper satisfaction questionnaire generated after your repair request has been completed.
  • Take part in a telephone questionnaire about your repair request. We telephone a random sample of residents on a regular basis.
  • Our contractors will each conduct a quality assurance survey directly with a sample of residents.
  • Take part in the annual residents satsifaction survey conducted by Sussex Housing & Care.
  • Contact us directly to give your feedback.




Reducing condensation in your home

Reducing condensation in your home

Understanding condensation

Most people’s homes will get condensation, a type of dampness, at some time — usually when a lot of moisture and steam is being produced. This can happen especially during cooking, bathing or during the colder winter months.

Condensation happens when damp air comes into contact with a cold surface and it condenses back to water.

Some condensation in any home is normal and unavoidable, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. If left untreated, however, condensation can lead to mould growth and cause damage to our homes and belongings.

a condensated window

Condensation and damp - what's the difference?
Condensation is caused by warm, moist air coming into contact with cold surfaces, such as windows and walls. High levels of condensation can lead to mildew and mould growth, especially in the winter. Penetrating damp, which is much less common, is caused by moisture entering the home from an external source, such as leaking plumbing or moisture from the ground.

Small amount of mould on the bottom of a white window frame
How to reduce condensation

While damp is an issue that requires further investigation, there are some ways we can all reduce the impact of condensation in our homes:

Reduce moisture:

  • Cooking: When cooking, keep lids on saucepans and close kitchen doors to stop steam from escaping.
  • Bathing: When taking a bath or a shower, keep the bathroom door closed and wipe down wet surfaces after use.
  • Windows: Open windows, use window trickle vents and extractor fans to help damp air escape.
  • Laundry: During the winter, we may be more likely to dry wet clothes inside and on radiators. Unfortunately, this can put moisture back into the air. If possible, hang washing outside to dry. If this is not possible, keeping a window open will help moisture escape.
  • Heating: We understand that keeping the heating on is not always possible, especially with the current cost of energy. However, maintaining a low temperature of at least 15°c can help reduce condensation in our homes.
  • Air circulation: A lack of ventilation can cause dampness and a musty smell in our homes. We can help air to circulate by keeping furniture away from walls, not blocking radiators or overfilling wardrobes and cupboards. Opening the windows for ten minutes each morning is also great to let in some fresh air. While it may be chilly, the fresh air will take less energy to heat up than the damp air in our homes.

Treating mildew or mould in your home

You can clean and treat small areas of mildew or mould safely yourself. Use hot soapy water with detergent, or specialist cleaning solutions (available from most supermarkets). Wearing rubber gloves, put a rag or a disposable cloth in the solution and carefully wipe away the mould. Safely dispose of the cloth and use a dry cloth to remove any moisture from the area.

Lady wearing yellow rubber gloves wiping mould from wall with green sponge

We want to help 

We understand condensation, damp and mould can be concerning, so we take these issues seriously. If you are worried that there is a damp or mould issue in your property, please tell us about it by reporting the issue to the scheme manager so we can help.

Here is a handy information leaflet about reducing condensation in your home:  Reducing condensation in your home leaflet [pdf] 4MB

Planning our maintenance

Professional painter holding a roller and a range of colour cardsWe want to make sure our properties are in the best condition possible, so you feel comfortable in your home. How we invest in and plan major repairs such as replacement kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors, roofs and heating systems is key to achieving this.

This means we need to understand the condition our properties are in now. Therefore we carry out “stock condition” surveys to determine when in the future works will be required. We use this information to build up programmes for the next three to five years and to make sure we plan our budgets properly over the next 30 years.

When major works are to be carried out we will (together with the contractor) explain and agree the following with you:

  • what the proposed work consists of;
  • when it will start and how long it will take;
  • discuss any colour or layout choices;
  • discuss anything you need to do ahead of time (such as emptying old kitchen units); and
  • discuss any particular needs you may have which might affect the works themselves or how the contractor might carry them out.

Finally we will check that the works have been carried out to a high standard and that you are happy with everything.