Why set up a Direct Debit with us?
How do you set up a Direct Debit?
What do you need to set up a Direct Debit?
Please take the above documents to your meeting with your scheme/home manager as they will need to take copies. This is necessary to avoid any unauthorised transactions and is the same process used in banks and building societies. Documentation is kept secure and confidential.
World pay is our online payment method for debit/credit cards.
To pay by this method you can either see your scheme or home manager or call the Finance Team on 01323 875240 selecting Option1, then Option 3. Please have your card details to hand when you call.
To pay by standing order you have to set it up yourself with your bank and make any changes required at a later date.
We have a standard form that your scheme or home manager can give you to make the application easier. If you have any queries about your account you can contact the Finance Team in the first instance on 01323 875240 selecting Option1, then Option 3.
We send rent statements to all our residents twice a year. In October for the period up to September 30th and in April for the period up to March 31st. This keeps you informed on the position of your account and allows you to check that we have recorded all payments made and charges due.
Resident – this is your personal record ID. It is helpful if you can quote this when you contact us, it helps us look up your account more quickly.
Property – this is the system ID for your room or flat/bungalow. This can change if you move to one of our other properties.
Transaction glossary:
Please read your letter carefully. It contains information you’ll need to be aware of. If you don’t understand any part of the letter or have any questions you think aren’t answered in the letter, check to see if there’s an answer below. If there isn’t an answer, then please contact your Scheme Manager in the first instance. You can also contact your Housing Officer on 01323 875240 or email us at office@sussexhousing.org.uk.
We follow rules set by the government to calculate any changes to the rent for our residents. Usually, the rent review is based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for September plus 1%. CPI measures inflation by looking at changes in the prices of goods. This year the rent increase will be 7.7%. If you claim benefits such as Housing Benefit and Universal Credit to help to pay your rent, the good news is that these will increase in line with inflation from April onwards. The government has also announced that pensions will increase by 8.5%.
For most of our tenants their rents will change with effect from Monday 1 April 2024. We do have some tenants on older tenancies whose review dates take effect at another time of the year depending on when their tenancy started.
If your rent is due to increase in April, then you should receive your letter by the end of February. There are some tenants whose rents increase at another time of the year, and in these cases, you will receive your letter at least a month prior to the change taking effect.
As a not-for-profit organisation, all of the money we make is invested back into our homes and services. We’ve seen costs rise, such as the costs of materials, energy and services from our suppliers - so we need to increase rents to enable us to continue to deliver a full range of services and support to you. It’s worth remembering that the welfare benefits system is designed to assist some residents with housing costs. If you’re currently receiving Universal Credit or Housing Benefit, your benefits will be adjusted accordingly (see FAQ further down). If you don’t currently claim and feel you will not be able to pay your rent, you should look into claiming.
If you are worried about paying your rent, services charges and the cost of living then we’re here to support you. In the first instance speak to your Scheme Manager and/or our Housing Officer. They may be able to assist with access to welfare benefits and/or signposting you to other agencies who may be able to provide help and support such as Citizens Advice.
Your service charges are what’s referred to as Fixed Service Charges. This means if we have underestimated the cost of a service you will not be required to find any additional contributions. A breakdown of each service and charge is provided in the letter we’ve sent you.
It is important that you notify your local housing benefit department without delay of these changes when you receive your letter. You should then receive a letter from your Housing Benefits office confirming your entitlement from April 2024. If you haven’t received this letter by the end of March, then please let your Scheme Manager know.
If you receive Universal Credit and the housing costs element directly, please enter your new rent and applicable service charges in the ‘confirm your housing costs’ section in your Universal Credit journal on the date your new charges take effect from. Do not use the ‘change of circumstances’ section to report an annual rent change. If the housing cost element of your claim comes directly to us, or you are not sure, please contact your Housing Officer on 01323 875240 or at office@sussexhousing.org.uk and they will be able to do this for you.
If you're working or unemployed, sick or disabled, you could be eligible to claim some benefits to help pay your rent. Please contact your Scheme Manager if you are not currently on benefits but think you may be entitled to claim something.
If you pay by direct debit, we will automatically recalculate the amount you pay from April 2024 (or your review date if it is a different date) and notify you in writing separately. The amount you pay will be adjusted to take any delay into account. If you receive any Housing Benefit, the direct debit will be adjusted after we have received notification from them of your new award.
If you pay monthly by standing order you must ask your bank to change your payment amounts from April 2024 (or your review date if different). To calculate your monthly payments, divide your weekly figure by 7 (days), multiply by 365 (days in the year) and then divide by 12 (months in the year). If you are not sure how much you should be paying, please contact your Scheme Manager or your Housing Officer on 01323 875240 or email us at office@sussexhousing.org.uk.
If you are solely complaining that you are unhappy with the percentage of your rent increase this would not be considered as a complaint as we have followed the rules set by the government in line with the rent standard. If you have a complaint about any other aspect of the Rent Review process, then please contact your Scheme Manager in the first instance to see if they are able to answer and resolve the matter. If they are not and you wish to make a formal complaint then please either contact us at complaints@sussexhousing.org.uk or on 01323 875240 or click here for more information about making a complaint.
Service charges are the way we as your landlord/freeholder are reimbursed for the costs we incur in providing services to you. These services will be charged in addition to any rent but may be collected as a single payment.
The costs that are covered by service charges differ between tenants paying rent and leaseholders. Leaseholders are generally charged all the costs of running their scheme explicitly in the service charges. Service charges to tenants who rent their home do not contain all the costs as some are deemed to be covered by the rent they pay.
The following is a list of the costs that would be included in service charges, however it is not exhaustive:
1. Scheme Manager
2. Communal services (this is only where communal facilities exist, for example, communal boiler, single electricity meter).
3. Repairs and maintenance
Boilers (this is not in the tenants service charge as the cost is included in the rent)
Fire alarms and emergency lighting
Legionella tests
PAT testing
Fire risk assessment
4. Professional services
Service charges are set annually. The budget for the next financial year, starting 1st April, is agreed in January, service charge calculations are part of this process.
The charges set are formally notified to tenants and leaseholders in February in order to give the required period of notice before they become effective.
For Tenants the date on which they start to pay the new charges will depend on the rent review date in their tenancy agreement. Leasehold charges change on April 1st.
Service charges for tenants are fixed, that means that we do not make allowance in the following year for any under/overspend against the previous year’s budget charge. Service charges for leaseholders are adjusted for any under/overspend against the budget charge in the next available year as required by their lease.
Our tenants are not normally invited to participate in the routine service charge setting process. If there is some major change anticipated at a scheme the residents would be consulted on how this might affect them.
Leaseholders have a right to be involved in the process and we hold a budget meeting at each scheme in December to discuss the new year’s charges.
Not paying these charges is a serious matter and could result in you loosing your home.
We're here to help if you're having problems paying your rent, service charge or care home fee, please talk to us as soon as possible. There may be arrangements we can make to support you.
First you should tell us if you are having problems paying us. Please don't ignore the problem.
We have a dedicated officer who will meet with you to talk through your circumstances and they will check whether you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to. If there are extra benefits available to you, we can support you in getting these.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss any money worries Call 01323 875240, email: office@sussexhousing.org.uk or complete the online 'contact us' form
We will get in touch with you if you miss a rent, service charge or care home fees payment to remind you about the amount you owe. It's likely that we will also write to you to tell you about this.
Please contact us to tell us how you are going to arrange to pay the arrears. We have arrears policies, see below, that show in more detail what will happen if you do not meet your payments.
Rent Arrears Policy v4 2018 [pdf] 527KB
Care home fees arrears and recovery policy v1 2018 [pdf] 493KB
Here are some useful websites which give information and advice about paying for your rent, service charge or care home fee.