Get involved and have your say

  • Our residents are at the heart of everything we do.

Listening and responding to the views of our residents, staff and stakeholders is one of our key values. 

We give you the opportunity to be involved in areas across the organisation and this involvement can be formal or informal, for example, being involved in a project group through to attending a coffee morning. 

We involve you in the governance of the organisation, service improvement and scrutiny, getting your feedback and also involve you locally at your scheme or home. You can read more about this in our resident engagement strategy.  Resident engagement strategy 2023-2025[pdf] 223KB

If you're interested in becoming more involved please let your scheme or care home manager know, or alternatively complete the 'contact us' form.

Want to be more involved?

Contact us today to register your interest and complete the online form.

There's lots of opportunities for you and we welcome you to take part!


We're better together

We're better together

We have a ‘Better Together’ programme. 

Engaging and involving our residents is important to us. We constantly seek ideas, feedback and suggestions from our residents and their family in order to continuously improve our service. Here are some of the ways we gain feedback: 

Resident meeting  - Residents meet regularly with our care home manager, they share feedback, staff updates and plan events.

Catering meeting - Our Chef Manager arranges catering meetings so you can give feedback about our dishes and recipes, and make suggestions for the menu.

Resident satisfaction survey - Every year we formally ask residents for their feedback in a questionnaire. This is anonymous feedback about all areas of our service.

Relative satisfaction survey - It’s important that your relatives or close friends have the opportunity to share their feedback too so we share a questionnaire with them every year.

Get involved - housing

Get involved - housing

There are many ways you can get involved. Here are some examples.

  • Editorial panel for the residents’ magazine, New Outlook: Join us and help edit the magazine including writing content and proof reading.
  • Resident involvement in procurement: Assisting us in evaluating tenders and sitting on contractor interview panels, as well as Board members.
  • Resident involvement in key posts for recruitment: Where you can get involved in the recruitment of the executive team and scheme managers.
  • Resident surveys: We ask you about what they think about our services to measure improvement over time and to capture views and feedback about a service or issue.
  • Project (task and finish) groups: Involving residents, relatives and Board members, in groups to look at specific services/issues, for example, the website, anti-social behaviour and resident engagement.
  • Coffee mornings: Board members to also participate in these coffee mornings
  • Scheme meetings for residents: regular meetings at your scheme with the Scheme Manager and Regional Manager.
  • Service charge meetings: Twice a year for leaseholders.
  • Scheme newsletters: Including a resident's area and 'you said, we did' feedback.

Comments, compliments and complaints

Comments, compliments and complaints

We welcome your suggestions, comments and views on how to improve the services we offer. We also like to know when we've done a good job and met, or exceeded your expectations.

We recognise that from time to time things go wrong and you may feel you have not received the quality of service you deserve. In this case you have the right to complain.

Below is our complaints policy for both our housing and care homes.

For more information and to make a complaint or give a compliment, please contact your scheme manager or home manager.

Alternatively you can contact our Customer Services Officer on 01323 875242, email: or complete the online 'contact us' form.

Here is our complaints policy and helpful guide: 

Handling complaints in sheltered, ILA and leasehold Policy 2024[pdf] 255KB

Your guide to making a complaint, compliment or comment[pdf] 118KB

Guides for using digital technology

We know that being able to get online is of huge benefit to everyone, especially during times when we're unable to see friends and family or get out and about like we are used to.

Here are a selection of handy guides to help you to use and get the most out of your laptop, tablet or smart phone. 


One website which enables us to video call others for free (on their 'basic' account) is called 'zoom' - people use this for meetings and chats. Here is a handy guide for residents about using zoom:  Using Zoom - a handy guide for residents.pdf[pdf] 1MB

Creating a Facebook account

If you want to connect with family and friends on facebook you can set up a Facebook account free of charge. Here's a step by step guide showing you how to do this:  How to create a Facebook account.pdf [pdf] 261KB  

Facebook - residents' group

We have a private Sussex Housing & Care residents' facebook group which enables you to connect with residents living in our housing schemes across the county. We welcome you to join this group. Here is a guide to finding the facebook group and requesting membership. Please note, you will need to have an existing facebook account. Joining the residents facebook group.pdf [pdf] 179KB

Useful websites

Here are some useful websites which give information about using the internet and everything you can do online. Please click on the links below.

Learning about Apps:

Staying safe: