Our Board is the governing body of the association and conducts its business in accordance with its rules (National Housing Federation (NHF), Model Rules 2015), and the regulatory requirements currently overseen by the Homes & Communities Agency.
The Board is responsible for our overall mission, direction and strategy.
Mary’s professional life has been spent in HR, working across the public and private sectors. She established her own business as a career coach and HR Consultant with clients from housing associations, local authorities and charities. She has extensive executive recruitment with Campbell Tickell amongst others. Former recruitment panel member for Judicial Appointments Commission. Current panel member for the Property Scheme for HS2 and previously for Heathrow Third Runway and Thames ‘Super Sewer’. Board member for Eastbourne Homes Ltd, Chair of SEILL and formerly for Rosebery Housing Association. Mary joined the Board in 2016.
Robin is CEO of Sutton Housing Society, a housing provider with 485 homes; the majority are sheltered housing. He is also a board member of Berry Brook Home/Wokingham Homes Limited. He was previously Director of Property Services at Worthing Homes. Robin joined the Board in May 2019 and is chair of the audit and risk committee.
Vanda brings many years of experience in working with local authorities and commissioners of care. She is a Chartered IT Professional, an experienced programme manager and consultant with particular expertise in collaborative working and the management of change. She is also a non-executive director and trustee for Portsmouth Diocese. Vanda joined the Board in February 2023.
Mike is a chartered accountant with 30 years’ experience across a range of sectors, including the NHS and Higher Education. He is Managing Director of Barts Assurance responsible for their Internal Audit and Counter Fraud teams. Mike has expertise in governance and risk management, and is a member of CIPFA’s national Governance & Assurance Forum. Mike was appointed to the board in February 2023.
Geoff is a long-term SHC resident with a 20-year career in specialist social services, working with and on behalf of visually impaired people. Geoff's activism in sight-related groups has spanned 38 years, and he made significant contributions to Blind Cricket, representing England twelve times and serving as the World Blind Cricket Council's Secretary and then President from 2002 to 2010. Geoff joined the board in August 2023.
Mike has many years’ experience in real estate and development and is an Investment Director at Man Global Private Markets. He was previously Group Development Director at VIVID and has held a number of senior development roles. Mike joined the Board in May 2019.
Here is a summary of the declarations of interest of our board members.
Board Member Declarations of Interest Summary table.pdf[pdf] 49KB