Residents at Woodlands care home in Crowborough have taken part in a six week intergenerational project called ‘Young at Heart’ where they’ve met up with local babies, toddlers and parents.
Every Monday residents at the Sussex Housing & Care owned home, take part in a relaxed session which is run by Artytime which helps our residents live their later life to the full and builds meaningful community links with local people. Residents have the opportunity to socialise, sing and play with the children and have made good friends.
The project has been so successful that the group will continue to meet beyond the intial six week pilot project.
Denys Gage, resident at Woodlands said: “I had two girls myself so I’ve had my training with little ones! I think it’s lovely, I really enjoy their visits. The older children chatted away with me and were particularly interested in my life, especially when I said I’ve met the Queen and been the goalkeeper for Manchester City. I think it’s great to talk to the little ones and share my experiences.
I sing songs with the babies and when I recall the nursery rhymes it takes me back to being a young dad!”
Residents at Woodlands are keen to meet other local community groups so please get in touch if you’d like to visit our residents, whether it’s for a chat, an activity or an outing – we’d love to hear from you. Please email woodlands@sussexhousing.org.uk or call us on 01892 653178.