Residents at Oakwood Flats sheltered housing in Haywards Heath are taking part in free cooking lessons led by a local charity called Impact.
The sessions in the communal kitchen are designed to support residents to cook using fresh ingredients that are affordable, nutritious and quick and easy to prepare. The programme also helps to improve diet and wellbeing and residents have been looking forward to the sociable time together.
Angela, 74, has taken part and been pleased with her culinary results: “I’ve always just eaten whatever I felt like at the time, I’ve never planned meals nor have I enjoyed cooking. Today I’ve made a chicken fricassee with a creamy mushroom sauce which was a quick as cooking a bolognaise for pasta! I also made my first ever omelette that didn’t turn into scrambled egg!
“It’s easy to get lazy when you live on your own and it’s made me think I can do more and cook fresher meals. It’s also been nice to get out and talk to others in the lesson, especially during these colder winter months when you don’t see so many people.
“Even if other residents are wonderful cooks, I doubt they’re cooking the same for themselves now as they would have done in years gone by for their families, so I’d definitely recommend it.”