We want our residents to feel as safe and secure as possible in their home, by tackling an issue that affects millions of people in the United Kingdom.
We have signed up to Make a Stand, which asks housing organisations to pledge to help people who are suffering from domestic abuse.
Safeguarding is about how adults can get help to stop abuse and neglect from happening.
Abuse and neglect can happen anywhere. Anyone can cause abuse.
There are different TYPES of abuse:
Discriminatory (because of: age, culture, mental health needs, disability, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy, marriage or civil partnership, race, sexual orientation or religion or belief).
Modern Slavery
Psychological or Emotional
What you can do:
• In an emergency or if you think a crime has been committed, call 999.
• Let the person know that help is available.
• Talk to the person to find out what they want to do.
• If the person is YOU, talk to someone. Your scheme manager can help you.
Report abuse - you can help bring abuse to an end.
Please see contact details below:
West Sussex
Phone: 01243 642121
Email: socialcare@westsussex.gov.uk
Fill in a safeguarding concern form online at: www.westsussex.gov.uk/reportadultabuse
Typetalk: 018001 01243 642121
East Sussex
Safeguarding Adults Board East Sussex Phone: 0345 60 80 191
Email: HSCC@eastsussex.gov.uk
Typetalk: 18001 0345 60 80 191 Mobile SMS text: 07797 878111
Brighton and Hove
Phone: 01273 295 555
Email: accesspoint@brighton-hove.gov.uk
Fill in a safeguarding concern form online at: brighton-hove.gov.uk/reportadultabuse
Typetalk: 01273 296205
If you report a concern to Adult Social Care they will:
• talk to the person at risk to find out what they want to happen
• support the person to have an advocate (someone to represent them) if they need one
• respond professionally and sensitively and take your concerns seriously
• talk to the police if a crime may have been committed
• talk to other agencies that need to be involved
• agree the best way of helping, including other types of support If a safeguarding enquiry is the best way to provide help we will:
• work with the person to help keep them safe
• make a plan to look into the concerns
• check with the person that what they wanted to happen has happened If the person refuses help, but others may be at risk, we will need to take appropriate action. However, we will always keep them informed about any action
Please also refer to our Domestic Abuse Policy, which you can find here.
For further advice and support there is also a charity, Action on Elder Abuse, whose work is helping to raise awareness of this issue.
You can contact them on their helpline 080 8808 8141 or find out more on their website here.