Update for housing residents
We know the recent government announcement of a lockdown will be very hard for everyone. Below are details of what you can and can’t do during this period.
New tough measures for England came into effect for everyone from 00.01 hours on Thursday 5th November. These are summarised below:
If you are over 60 or clinically vulnerable you should be especially careful to follow the rules and minimise your contact with others.
If you are clinically extremely vulnerable, the government will write to you to confirm this. You will be advised to stay at home as much as possible but encouraged to go outside for exercise.
Our response
Housing and Support Services staff
In line with the government guidance, where they can, members of staff are working from home, and any working from our offices is being strictly limited and controlled.
Scheme managers are continuing to provide their service but much of our contact with you has switched to telephone contact. They are in regular contact with you and will update you about any changes that may affect your home. They will continue to be on site each week to carry out essential health and safety checks.
Face to face meetings can be arranged in exceptional circumstances where queries can’t be dealt with by phone, but social distancing must be maintained.
We are accepting new housing applications and residents for our sheltered housing. Procedures are in place to ensure that this can happen safely.
The government recognises the importance of safe housing, so in line with their guidance we’re still running a full repairs service. We are also continuing to deliver safety checks, cleaning and gardening services. Contractors are ensuring they are following Covid-safe measures. If you have any concerns, or have symptoms of Covid-19, it is extremely important that you let us know.
Sadly our scheme lounges will continue to be closed as there can be no mixing with another household in an indoor setting.
Due to the increase in cases, we advise residents to wear a face covering in any inside corridors where you live.
There should be no visitors to apart from those providing you with support and care and those people should wear a face covering at all times.
Care Homes
There is no change in place for care home staff and residents. We are expecting changes to visiting guidance on 5 November and will update the website when this is received.