Not one, not two but three of our amazing care staff have each been short-listed for a national award!
Staff, residents and relatives at Saxonwood care home in Battle and Woodlands care home in Crowborough are celebrating after members of their care teams received news this week that they are finalists at The Great British Care Awards.
Roxi Vargaluta, Deputy Manager at Saxonwood and Louise Walker, Deputy Manager at Woodlands have become finalists for the ‘Frontline Leaders’ category thanks to their dedication and commitment towards their work, and leadership qualities and support for their teams. Wendy Adams, Care Assistant at Woodlands, is a finalist for the ‘Care Home Worker’ award for consistently providing a high-quality service to people living in residential care.
The Great British Care Awards are held every year to celebrate the very best people in the care sector and their outstanding excellence. The awards culminate at an awards ceremony in Brighton on 18 November 2022 when a winner for each of the 23 categories is announced.
Roxi has worked at Saxonwood for nine years, and has progressed her career from a care assistant through to her current role as Deputy Manager. She has helped to boost the confidence and self esteem of team members and is always keen to innovate and bring about positive change. Roxi builds sound relationships with residents and their families, who are quick to compliment her for her efforts.
Commenting on her nomination Roxi said: “I couldn’t believe it when I opened the email to say I was a finalist and I never imagined all that I’m doing has this level of impact on residents and staff. It’s a really great achievement to have got this far, I’m a bit shocked! I’m looking forward to meeting judges at the final interview and share the great work I do and how I go the extra mile.”
Louise has worked in the care sector for 40 years, starting at a young age as a weekend kitchen assistant through to her current role as Deputy Manager. In the last 10 years at Woodlands, Louise has brought a wealth of experience to her role. She has given staff incredible one to one support and coaching and led a number of innovative and creative projects with residents, including a dining room revamp and a garden project.
Louise said: “I was really shocked to hear that I had been nominated and it’s been a lovely feeling to know my hard work has been noted and I’m a valued member of the team. Care is definitely where my heart is and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else after 40 years. I enjoy being there for the residents and managing our fantastic team and I feel excited to be a Great British Care Award finalist! Thank you for the nomination!”
Wendy, Care Assistant at Woodlands for 6 years was thrilled to hear the news: “I was very surprised, pleased and flattered to hear that I’m a finalist. I do my job because I love it, so it’s lovely to have this recognition.”
Congratulations to all of the team for their incredible achievement and dedication towards putting residents at the heart of everything they do. We look forward to hearing the final winners in November!