A resident at Ardath care home in Bexhill surprised staff on Monday after handing them a written note with her plea to local older people who feel lonely or need more help.
Georgie Farrow, resident at Ardath for eight years, said in her note: “I never thought in a million years I would be happy in an old people’s home, but I am and feel part of a family and that’s very nice at my age. So I’m saying to you if you’re alone and feeling lonely please come and see us at Ardath and see for yourself, you will find a welcome here anytime.”
Georgie shared her feelings and the unfortunate situation she was in before moving to the Sussex Housing & Care owned care home: “I knew I would be a worry and a burden to my two daughters and son, as I was in a dreadful state of depression…now I am a different person, joining most of the activities and enjoying the company of friends I have made here.”
The 84 year old ended her note with a ‘P.S’ of all the things she no longer has to worry about and can enjoy: “P.S No more shopping, cooking, washing etc. Friends and family visiting, warm in the winter. I love it and I’m sure you will too. Also piece of mind for your family, knowing you’re happy and all your needs being met.”
Lindsey Sherwood, Care Home Manager said: “It’s so lovely to hear these positive comments and to know residents appreciate the dedicated staff team we have here. It’s a big pat on the back and great that our team have made a positive impact on Georgie’s life.
If you are feeling lonely or isolated we welcome you to Ardath for a free day of activities and lunch every month, the next event is on Tuesday 13 August, contact us today on 01424 210538 or email ardath@sussexhousing.org.uk to find out more.”
Ardath care home has recently launch a new offer for people looking for short term care where they can stay for two weeks and get the third week free. Click here for more information.